Each destination can offer varying room rental options
A room can be rented within a Family Medical Clinic and if available, within a Health Hub.
Eastbrooke recognises that a room may be sought within an Eastbrooke Family Medical Clinic with or without office furniture.
In some of the larger Hubs, opportunities may exist to rent a room in the Hub.
A psychologist and a Workplace Health provider both rent unfurnished rooms in the Eastbrooke family medical clinic in Mackay (QLD).
In the Eastbrooke family medical clinic in Carlton (NSW), a physiotherapist rents a furnished GP consult room.
A justice advocacy business and a back-office team both rent unfurnished rooms in the Blacktown Health Hub (NSW).
Rental Agreement Options
Room Rentals under a Casual Rate Agreement
Eastbrooke offers a casual sessional rate on either a full or half day basis for a room in a Family Medical Clinic or Health Hub.
For example, a dietitian rents a furnished room one day a fortnight in the Mackay family medical clinic.
Eastbrooke support services are limited to reception 'meet and greet' and alerting you to your next appointment. Room rentals under this arrangement are suitable for occupiers who are prepared to organise their own client meetings and invoice their clients.
Room Rentals under a Services Agreement
Where an occupier wishes to consult at an Eastbrooke family medical clinic and make use of the administration staff to handle appointment bookings and patient billings, clean and maintain the furnished room and maintain patient records, Eastbrooke will charge for the room and services on a fee -split arrangement.
Under both agreements, a minimum room rental term is 3 months. For a dedicated room for 12 months under a Casual Rate Agreement, a discount is offered.