The Eastbrooke Thuringowa Health Hub is unlike any health and wellness destination in North Queensland.
Possessing 6,500m2 of floor space and situated on 26,400m2 of land, the Eastbrooke Thuringowa Health Hub comprises of three refurbished two-level detached buildings connected by covered walk ways and disabled access throughout, including connection to the upper levels via sky bridges.
Eastbrooke anticipates over 20 businesses or 100 people will work at the Eastbrooke Townsville Health Hub, servicing a visitor base in excess of 2,000 a day, or over 700,000 visitors a year.
The Eastbrooke Thuringowa Health Hub:
will have high quality and leading practitioners who share similar values
has a dominant location on a major arterial road
has 166 on site car parks that takes the stress out of car parking
will be a destination for NDIS providers - employment, therapy and community service providers to collaborate
will experience high levels of foot traffic due to
onsite 2,000m2 council library
onsite and 6 nearby childcare centres
1.1 km distance from the Willows Shopping Centre, the second largest shopping centre in Townsville
the Hub being directly opposite the Kirwan High School, North Queensland's largest State High school (with around 2,300 senior school students and 120 teachers). The Eastbrooke car park is heavily used during the schooling year by parents to drop off and pick up their children.
the Hub being less than a minute from the Kirwan State School, a further student cohort of 850 students, and also the The Willows State School which caters for over 1100 students in Years Prep to Seven
the close proximity of the large Dan Gleesons Memorial playground with the Eastbrooke car park used by families
the Kirwan Health Community Campus, a major Government Health precinct, located nearby
the Hub being opposite Townsville's 2nd largest emergency services precinct (comprised of Police, Fire, Ambulance and First Aid Training)
the Hub being 800m from the Townsville And District Junior Rugby League sporting fields
has tenancies with great natural light
For more information on Thuringowa Central and Kirwan, please follow the links.